

English, Mathematics, Physical science, Natural science, Social science and Commerce.



The college is affiliated to the University of Kerala and Recoginised by the government

College hostel

College hostel

Convenient and comfortable accommodation is available for girl students in the college hostel.

About Us

Millath College of teacher education, sooranadu, Kollam is the prestigious outcome of the vision of a group of enthusiastic youngsters, especially Mr. M. Shahabudin the chairman of millath education trust. The college is situated in soornadu, which is famous Sooranadu Revolt which was the fore runner of India 's freedom struggle and also the home town of the famous Malayalam poet Sooranad Kunjanpillai The college was started on July 28 th , 2005 as a self financing institution. The college provides the best training to the new generation of teachers to serve our youngsters with a vision and sincerity. The college aims to establish its mark of excellence in the education map of India by hard and strenuous effort of a team of qualified and industrious faculty. Situated in a serene village selting the college stands unique Providing What is needed for the future teachers of our land..

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Well equipped labs for practical in the following subjects are provided in the college